About The Book
About The Book
I interviewed 13 American patriots, all with different backgrounds and upbringings - several you have heard of and several you haven't heard of but you should.
• Ed Meese, former Attorney General and staff member under President Reagan, retired colonel and current chairman of public policy at The Heritage Foundation.
• Jackie Gingrich Cushman, syndicated columnist, daughter of Newt Gingrich, and author of "The Essential American."
• Erick Erickson, former managing editor of RedState.com, radio host, writer and author of the best-seller “Red State Uprising.”
• Rachel Campos-Duffy, FOXNews contributor, author, wife of Congressman Sean Duffy from Wisconsin and mother of 8.
• Kevin Jackson, "The Black Sphere," radio host, political pundit, blogger, author, and rabblerouser.
• Debbie Lee, Gold Star mom, speaker and founder of America’s Mighty Warriors, a troop-support organization.
• Reverend Steven Craft, pastor, author, former prison chaplain and national speaker for the John Birch Society.
• Charlie Rhoads, former military officer, former CEO of Joe Foss Institute teaching patriotism and providing scholarships, and board member of America’s Mighty Warriors.
• Rick Green, former Texas legislator, author and national speaker for Wallbuilders, an organization dedicated to educating America about its founding.
• Cathy Gillespie, political and philanthropic activist, co-founder of Constituting America, wife of Ed Gillespie, former Chair of the Republican National Committee.
• Janine Turner, actress, author, speaker, founder of Constituting America, activist and radio talk show host.
• Dr. Larry Arnn, president of Hillsdale College, the premier educational institute for constitutional principles.
• Seth Swirsky, award-winning songwriter, singer, artist, film maker and musician living in the heart of Beverly Hills and raising proud, patriotic children despite that.
More Quotes
“When I was growing up, patriotism was also an important part of what was taught in the schools.” – Former Attorney General Ed Meese “How to Raise an American Patriot”
“We are in a time when going back to these fundamental claims that are made in the American Revolution and evaluating those again and seeing the truth or the merit of the claim is the key to restoring patriotism.” – Dr. Larry Arnn “How to Raise an American Patriot”
“Serving the country and pursuing what you think is right for the country, sometimes takes a lot of personal toil and effort, but, in the end, if that’s what you think is right for the country, then that’s your duty -- to pursue what is right.” - Jackie Gingrich Cushman, “How to Raise an American Patriot”
“To be a patriot, you have to have some component of faith. The quintessential core belief of American patriotism, the cornerstone, is the belief that we were destined to be the ‘shining city on the hill.’ You’ve got to have a faith component to really believe that.” – Erick Erickson, “How to Raise an American Patriot”
“If you look at the Declaration of Independence, clearly we’re a nation that believes in God. We believe God gave us rights and that we loan those rights to the government. That is very different from any other nation on the earth.” - Jackie Gingrich Cushman, “How to Raise an American Patriot”
“God-given rights cannot be taken away. If your rights are dictated by your neighbor or from government, they can easily be taken away.” – Rick Green, “How to Raise an American Patriot”
“A recurring theme that I hear from my kids is the fact that they’ve grown up knowing that anything they want to do is possible, because of the freedoms and opportunities we have in our country.” – Cathy Gillespie, “How to Raise an American Patriot”
“I tell my kids the reason why I go shake that old man’s hand is because we have our freedoms because that man protected our freedoms. And when you see a veteran, you should be very proud, and you should go up and thank them.” - Kevin Jackson, “How to Raise an American Patriot”
“The warrior spirit is born in them. It’s something that God develops in them. That’s the way they come wired. I don’t think you can make someone be a warrior; I don’t think you can stop somebody from being a warrior if they’re designed that way.” - Debbie Lee, Gold Star Mom, “How to Raise an American Patriot”
“There’s a parental role and there’s a family role. Values also come from other people in the family, whether it’s over generations or the same generation. There’s definitely the family dynamic.” - Charlie Rhoads, “How to Raise an American Patriot”
“I teach my kids to be able to back-up what they are saying withhard, cold facts, to really think about your position, and don’t be afraid to stand up for what you believe in.” - Seth Swirsky
“How to Raise an American Patriot”
“This book is about teaching your children to be their own people, no matter where they come out on the scale—right, left, moderate, whatever. You simply need to encourage them to think for themselves, to be their own people, and to understand the great opportunity living in this country allows for them.” – Marijo Tinlin, Author, “How to Raise an American Patriot”